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Every Tuesday | 12 pm - 2 pm | Moorland Avenue Community Centre
£2 | 07305 095690


Indoor carpet bowls are a smaller version of indoor bowls and are very much a community activity played by people of all abilities. The bowls are much smaller and lighter than indoor bowls and there is less of a distance to bowl. This makes it a game of skill rather than strength and provides an opportunity for all to enjoy taking part.

Positively Impact your Mental Health With Sport

Even short bursts of regular exercise have a proven positive impact on mental health. This is why joining us for Walking Football could be the first step to better mental health for you. Here are just a few ways in which sports and physical activity can positively impact your mental health.

  • Improve your Mood: Exercise releases feel-good hormones, which tell your brain to improve your mood. Recent studies showed that people who categorised themselves as feeling low noted a significant improvement in mood after they undertook physical activity.

  • Reduce Stress: People who partake in regular physical activity often have lower stress levels.

  • Increase Self-Esteem: Exercise can often help you to feel better about yourself.

  • Tackle Depression and Anxiety: GPs often prescribe regular exercise as part of a Mental Health programme to help sufferers of Depression and Anxiety. Taking part in regular activity and sport empowers individuals to self-manage their recovery.

  • Sleep Better: Physical Activity will help to tire you out during the day and therefore help you to get a better night's sleep.

  • Connect with new people: Sporting activities allow connecting with like-minded new people, without the pressure of finding a common ground. 

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